About the project

The project aims to contribute to preserving and capitalizing on the Romanian literary heritage by developing an integrated software platform (INTELLIT), a support for the Virtual Library of Romanian Literature (BLRV).

The INTELLIT platform provides access to information that will be collected from data sources such as: the General Dictionary of Romanian Literature (DGLR), the Chronology of Romanian Literary Life (CVLR) (1944-2000) and Canonical Works of Romanian Literature (OCLR) (comprising the works of 28 Romanian writers belonging to the national literary heritage).

The INTELLIT Platform will be a service Broker (Provider) for BLRV, as: intelligent and advanced semantic search and analyses services and by correlating data that are structured in a uniform, complete and open format and are derived from a large amount of documents, and by mapping complex relationships between these data; trend identification services and Romanian literature predictive forms; knowledge transfer services.

The INTELLIT platform is a new product and its innovative character starts from the fact that it offers intelligent search capabilities by integrating software tools for automated semantic search and analyses based on advanced techniques for natural language processing (NLP).

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